Murphy's Law

10 Generations of real life problems.

This was supposed to be a legacy but it's turned into a story...

Anyway, this story is inspired by favorite books, movies, television shows and personal experiences.

Life is not a fairy tale but that doesn't mean it's not beautiful. After all, you love people in spite of their flaws, and sometimes their flaws make you love them even more.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Some Stories that come highly recommended...

...but maybe I'm biased.

Jessica's Scratching the Surface
Kaytja's The World Doesn't Deserve You
Cristobal's Last Sim Standing
Tommiegirl_ca's Memoirs of a City Girl
Kate's Jemston Legacy
Seaweedy's Notorious

And also by Seaweedy, a blog of some really amazing stories and legacies.  Thank you for featuring me - I consider it an honor since you follow some of the best stories and legacies for Sims.  XD

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